Here we are again,
At the end of another busy month.
Here's what i have been up to.
I have been and invested a few people during the month.
Jaqui Dewar(41st Beavers)
Chris Dewar(13th Scouts)
Had a meeting with the Adc's to arrange the forthcoming sports day in May.
I attended the Blair Atholl training weekend at Fordell Firs(The district has two explorers attending this event)
During this weekend i also visited the 41st Scouts who were camping there for the weekend.
I attended the Inch Fellowship meeting which was held at the 68th Inverkeithing hall.
The main activity of the month was our district's St George's weekend camp.
This was held at Fordell Firs and we had close on 150 cubs/scouts/explorers camping for the weekend with over another50 beavers coming up on the Sunday for our service.
During the service the following awards were presented.
Liam Ward(48th)Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Shaun Ward(48th) Duke of Edinburgh Silver
Callum Robertson(48th)Duke of Edinburgh Silver
Alan Reddington(48th St Davids Troop)Wood Badge
Alan Connery (13th Scouts)Wood Badge
Cath Cusator(Badge Secretary)25 Year service
Well Done to all.